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Reading Old Books and Other Extreme Sports

I read lots

Currently reading

We Need to Talk About Kevin
Lionel Shriver
Everything Is Illuminated
Jonathan Safran Foer
The Poisonwood Bible
Barbara Kingsolver
Infinite Jest
David Foster Wallace
The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas, Robin Buss
Progress: 75 %

The Cuckoo's Calling

The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith “How easy it was to capitalize on a person’s own bent for self-destruction; how simple to nudge them into non-being, then to stand back and shrug and agree that it had been the inevitable result of a chaotic, catastrophic life.” Social commentary, slow dark humour, and perfect, expansive characterisation. Didn't give this book my full attention because I stopped reading halfway through to go travelling - kind of wish I'd saved it now. Nevertheless, will eagerly watch for sequels!